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My name is Jordan King. I am a student at New Start High School and I am on this site for my photography class.
"You fail when you fall, You dont fail when you get back up and try agian."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Class Five 10/11/10

             This day we had an all class critique, that means all the classes that take place on Mondays are involved in it. So we had to have an edited and printed photo by 4:30pm. I decided to print a photo of this twisted walkway with a bench that leads off to a sunset. I made the colors very vibrant and I had to sharpen a lot of  details and I added a frame to it too. I was done first so I had to once again wait for everyone to finish so I just started editing other photos. 

                Let me tell you something. I hate critiques. I think they are boring, stupid and ridiculously long. I mean really, you don't think I cant tell my photo is too dark or I need to work on the noise? I mean that's just my opinion. But anyways, I just sat there watching how awkward everyone acted and only ave comments when I was forced to. I was pretty stubborn and could have probably offered more but I just didn't want to.

              So you could say I didn't try my hardest that day. But everyone has those days so that makes it alright.

1 comment:

  1. Critiques are hard and most often feel useless, I agree, but I think they are good practice. Artists need to practice speaking about their work and taking in other people's ideas about their work. Even if you think their ideas are stupid, part of making art is putting it out there and letting people take it in through their own filters and opinions. Critiques also give you a chance to practice speaking about other people's art and articulating why you like or don't like something. Reflecting on your own tastes can help you better achieve your own artistic goals.
