About Me

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My name is Jordan King. I am a student at New Start High School and I am on this site for my photography class.
"You fail when you fall, You dont fail when you get back up and try agian."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Class Ten 10/27/10

       We went on another field trip to Pioneer Square. It was a long and boring bus ride then when we got there I wanted to scream at one of the mentors because he started suggesting terrible things to shot, like the City Hall. I was like "really?" I thought it was ridiculous. So I drug my feet and took pictures oh whatever the heck I wanted to just to annoy the mentors.

        But during that I got some awesome photos..until I got lost with the most air headed mentor. I was happy when I got to the water front thought because water tends to calm me and Zorn stuck by my side and we had a great conversation. He taught me how to slow down my shutter speed so I can capture movement better. Then he started sneaking around me and taking pictures of me when I was off in my own world. But I'm not even going to lie, They came out great.

      Then we went to a coffee shop to have a snack. It was yummy.
So that day was alright. :) 

Class Nine 10/25/10

             Our homework that was due this day was our abstract assignment. I thought this was difficult at first but when I started on it everything just started working and I started getting the hang of it and came out with some pretty cool shots. What I love about abstract photos is if you make them good enough people will be forever trying to figure out what it is. 

             We were told to edit and print a photo from our abstract assignment and have a print ready by 4:30pm and be ready for a mini class critique. I decided to work on one that I took of some telephone wires but in the photo all you see is a blue sky and to the right side you see some vertical black stripes that are perfectly straight. It was a very unbalanced photo and I thought it related to Royalty/Poverty because those are very unbalanced worlds.

            I worked my hardest on this photo and made it flawless, I did some masking and sharping. Then made the color blue more vibrant and framed it. During the critique it got nothing but positive feedback. So I could easily say I rocked it.

Class Eight 10/20/10

             We took a field trip to The Henery Art Gallery. Honestly I thought it sucked. It made me disappointed in artists. I cant believe what is considered art now. I saw an art piece that was just a photograph on the floor with a rock on it. I was in disbelief and shock that something like that was considered art. It was terrible, there was no real creativity. But then again that's just my opinion. I mean other people might thin its great. I just saw no effort in it.

             There wasn't any art at all that I liked.

That's all we did that day.

Class Seven 10/18/10

         Last class we were told bring back photos based off of Royalty/Poverty so I brought in some good shots. That weekend I stayed the night at my friends house and made her be my model, quite literally. We set up a photo set by tacking a white sheet to the wall and used her zebra blanket for the floor, then we made a sign that said "Poverty Princess" on some white poster paper and set in the corner.

        After we made the set  I had her dress up in a nice dress but a shabby jacket to clash together poverty and royalty and then I made the lighting interesting by turning on some black lights and changing her other bulbs red. It worked out great and I was really proud of the photos. I showed Zorn in class that day and he said that they were great.

      I started working on one of the photos and changed the color to black and white because I felt that it suited the photo better. It did. It brought out a lot more detail in the photo and made the textures pop. Then I started messing around with the cloning tool and learned how to use it better so that I could get some of the stains of the sheet that we used as a backdrop.

I haven't gotten around to printing that photo yet, because I wasn't satisfied with it. But I know when I'm done with it, it will be amazing.

Class Six 10/13/10

       In this class we had to discuss more about out theme witch is Poverty/Royalty. Our photos should be based around poor and upper class people. When we picked these theme a week ago we all thought it would be easy but over time we all realized how difficult it really is.

      I decided to look up the definition of poverty because I have no interest royalty. The meaning of poverty is: lack of human needs. I think poverty is great because it shows a lot more of a story and makes a person stronger.

       Our class discussion went pretty well everyone had some good input and we made a list of ideas for pictures, I suggested a idea that I am planning doing and that is to dress up someone in upper class clothing and put them in a poverty setting. Zorn (my teacher, if you didn't already know) asked us to have photos of our theme by the next class.

      For the rest of the day we were free to just make prints and work on our photos.

Class Five 10/11/10

             This day we had an all class critique, that means all the classes that take place on Mondays are involved in it. So we had to have an edited and printed photo by 4:30pm. I decided to print a photo of this twisted walkway with a bench that leads off to a sunset. I made the colors very vibrant and I had to sharpen a lot of  details and I added a frame to it too. I was done first so I had to once again wait for everyone to finish so I just started editing other photos. 

                Let me tell you something. I hate critiques. I think they are boring, stupid and ridiculously long. I mean really, you don't think I cant tell my photo is too dark or I need to work on the noise? I mean that's just my opinion. But anyways, I just sat there watching how awkward everyone acted and only ave comments when I was forced to. I was pretty stubborn and could have probably offered more but I just didn't want to.

              So you could say I didn't try my hardest that day. But everyone has those days so that makes it alright.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Four October 6th

               This week our homework was to focus on a item and give it personality. I took a picture of quite a few objects. I took so many photos that my memory card was completely full. Zorn was pretty happy with me but anyways that day we had our first critique. I have done critiques before so I knew the drill. It was a small critique though. It was only our class

     A critique is when you talk as a group about why you like or dislike that persons photo. You give good advice and feedback.

           We had about an hour to edit and print a photo for our class critique. I decided to print this amazing picture of my friend Keva by the sunset. It came out amazing but the sky was still pretty "noisy" so Zorn helped me understand how to fix it. There all these tools called sharping and masking and they work so well!
          The critique went well and my photo was a hit. I felt great about myself.

The Third Class October 4th

    This day was the second worst and boring day because we were learning about the light room program. I already knew most of it because during the time when Zorn was helping other students I was messing with light room to kill time in the first class. 

     I had to sit there for 3 hours while the teacher was explaining how to use the contrast,fill light,saturation and the cloning tool. Then we got to print!!! That was pretty exciting. We only had  enough time to do one I decided to print a picture of a candy machine that I took. I honestly think that it came out great. That day I felt very accomplished.

      I will admit that my print was slightly "noisy" but I told myself that I would work on that next class.

The second class september 29th

      Well, the second class was a long and boring one. Zorn came in and first thing he asked was how was our Tuesday with our cameras. Everyone seemed to have problems except me and one other person, so for half an hour he helped all the other students with their camera trouble and I looked at other students work on my computer while I waited.

      When Zorn finished helping everyone he lead us through how to personalize a calibration. We had to find the gray in every setting. That day I learned that I am very color blind!!! Every gray I picked had a hint of purple to it. Every time Zorn passed my computer I was told to re-do it, so an hour later I finally got a gray after one of our mentors, Jason helped me with it.

       That took are whole class the whole 3 three hours so that is what we did all day. It was very boring.

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Stop spinning in your chair!" The first class

I walked in to class about five minutes early and I was the first one there. Zorn, my teacher told me to pick a computer and to pick carefully because that would be my computer the whole quarter. I spotted one in the corner and it just looked so cozy and I settled right in.
Slowly kids started coming in, mostly a few minutes late.
I noticed Zorn wasn't too happy about that. Zorn gave us all along lecture about how we most always complete the assignments fully, we must always be here and he can’t stand quitters.
I can tell Zorn is a 'pusher.' I'm fine with that, I love challenges.
So after a long talk about how if we are going to quit the class halfway through we might as well leave now, he handed us these blue folders that were filled with all the assignments we are going to do and everything we are going to learn.
Then we went over the policy of how we can’t have smoking, drugs and alcohol in our images. I had heard it all before so I was just sitting there spinning in my chair and I was off in la la land so I didn't realize that it was making a squeaky noise, out of nowhere I hear Zorn say "Stop spinning in your chair!"
Yes sir.
All a sudden it was like Zorn just realized that I was there.
"Class! Jordan has taken classes here before and she does amazing work! I strongly recommend that you take a look at her work and artist statement, it is fantastic!"
I have never blushed so hard.
Finally my cheeks went back to there normal color and Zorn handed us our cameras.
He explained to us how to work our lighting, aperture and self-timer and everything.
The time switched over from 6:29 to 6:30 and he gave us a assignment to take 20 photos of objects around our house at many different angles.
That was the end of the first day.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The kickoff day September 22nd

That was my first day back at Youth In Focus. The whole way on the bus there that day I couldn't wipe this smile of  my face, yes I know I am a dork.
I ended up being there a hour early.
So I sat, and waited.
After a while people started slowly showing up and soon people got over their shyness and started talking with one another.
My best friend Keva showed up and we got into the snacks and waited for the whole kickoff to start.

About 20 minutes late it started and we had to work as a team to answer this worksheet with random questions to rack up points because all the different classes were competing against each other, what ever class got the most points would be the first to pick from the prizes.
So we answered all but to questions correct and we came in third.
Keva's class came in second.

Then that was the end of the first day.

Not very exciting.